To access any report, simply CLICK on the report title!

Healthcare, and it's reform, is one of the most significant and controversial topics of recent times. I jumped into this controversy with both feet. I'm proud of the hundreds of hours I put into this topic and feel I have something worthwhile to say. The most recent comments appear at the top of the list.


82 - In Memoriam: Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. - 7-19-22 (by George Parry)

81 - The Truth About COVID-19 - 7-22-22 (by George Parry)

80 - Roe is dead: reminders and cautions - 7-12-22

79 - A pro-life Supreme Court victory: But was there another way? - 6-29-22

78 - Omicron is stealing the show - 1-19-22

​77 - Roe v. Wade: its future hinges on Dobbs v. Jackson - 1-10-22

76 - Abortion debate-is common ground within reach? - 3-3-21

75 - Ivermectin: Why all the fuss? - 9-24-21

74 - ACA Declared Unconstitutional ...... Now What? - 12-18-18

73 - If I Were King: Healthcare Payment System Reform - 8-5-17

72 - Is Healthcare a Right? Should "Single-Payer" be a Goal? - 7-5-17

71 - Healthcare: A Layman's Guide to Understanding the True Costs! - 1-21-17

70 - Healthcare Reform: A Better Way Forward! - 4-27-16

69 - Bipartisan Healthcare Fix: The Way Forward! - 7-3-15

68 - Healthcare Reform: Yes! A successful free market framework is possible! 3-8-15

67 - Who Gets to Say When It's Time to Die? "Zeke" and his dismissive attitude about "old folks" ... IS BACK! - 12-5-14

66 - ObamaCare: The Wheels are Coming Off! This is Nuts! Absolute Lunacy! - 3-25-14

65 - Obama & Democrats Declare O'Care Provides Freedom from Work! They's Makin' Me CRAZY!-Part Two-2-28-14

64 - Obama & Democrats Declare O'Care Provides Freedom from Work! They's Makin' Me CRAZY!-Part One-2-23-14

63 - Healthcare Reform: A Free Market Framework - 12-8-13

62 - ObamaCare's Fatal Flaw: The President's namesake legislation is taking on his personality - 11-26-13

61 - Obama- Bragging about Increased Competition under ObamaCare. Is it true? Or is he misleading us? - 11-20-13

60 - ObamaCare and Other Jokes - Daniel J. Mitchell - From - 11-15-13

59 - ObamaCare: So much confusion and contradiction! - The truth! PLEASE! Part 2 - 11-11-13

58 - ObamaCare: So much confusion and contradiction! - The truth! PLEASE! Part 1 - 11-8-13

57 - Neil Cavuto:Mr. President, Fox News isn't the Problem. You Are!-That smell is coming from your healthcare law!-10-7-13

56 - ObamaCare:Congressional debate a desperate fight - belief and principle vs. selfish pride and saving face!-9-28-13

55 - ObamaCare - Less Effective and More Expensive: How can we still be arguing about those facts? - 9-9-13

54 - About ObamaCare, Slick Willy: Will You "Puuuulease" Hush Up! - - 8-5-13

53 - ObamaCare: Is it Collapsing Under its Own Weight? - 7-9-13

52 - A Path to Healthcare Reform! - Replacing ObamaCare! - 8-12-12

51 - The Worst Kept Secret? - That Would be ObamaCare's True Cost! - How Can It be fixed? - 8-6-12

50 - Romney and HealthCare Reform - What Do Voters Need to Know about RomneyCare? - 7-23-12

49 - The Supreme Court has Decided - Get off the "Woe Is Me!" rhetoric and ask: Where are we? And what's next? - 7-17-12

48 - The Supreme Court has Decided - Confusing "understanding" with "agreement"? - 7-9-12

47 - ObamaCare and the Constitution - The Supreme Court has Decided - Betrayal, Activism, or Restraint? - 7-4-12

46 - ObamaCare and the Constitution - It's Not about Good vs. Bad Policy! It's ALL about Constitutionality! - 4-9-12

45 - Hi Ho! Hi Ho! That Dumb CLASS ACT is Dead! - ObamaCare Missed the Boat Again! - 10-16-11

44 - My Suggestions Will be Cheaper than ObamaCare! - But Why? - 1-29-11

43 - Healthcare Reform - The Next Step - 1-22-11

42 - Healthcare Reform - The Debate over Cutting Costs - 1-9-11

41 - It's Time to Repeal and Replace - 10-1-10

40 - (W)henry from (W)hoville - 5-5-10

39 - Congressional Budget Office - Two + Two = Three - 4-11-10

38 - ObamaCare - Fed Funds for Abortions? - 4-5-10

37 - What's with Executive Orders? - 3-27-10

36 - Healthcare Legislation - Constitutional Issues - 3-20-10

35 - A Digest of Comments and Criticisms - 3-17-10

34 - Healthcare - A Right? - or Just a Good Thing - 3-16-10

33 - Reconciliation? - What's That All About? - 3-14-10

32 - The Summit at Blair House - 2-26-10

31 - Those "Vs" are Powerful - and Fun! - 1-28-10

30 - Now What? - Maybe Something All Can Agree On! - 1-22-10

29 - You Can't Fool All of the People All of the Time! - 12-28-09

28 - A Workable Plan - Revised and Updated - 12-24-09
27 - If Only I Were King! - 12-14-09
26 - Almost 45,000 Deaths? Not Really! - 12-10-09
25 - Health Insurance Profits - 12-8-09

24 - The Constitution - Health Care - The Connection? - 11-22-09
23 - Health Care Reform - Have I Changed My Mind? - 11-19-09
22 - The Essence of My Opinions - Health Care Reform - 9-12-09
21 - Obama's Drift is Swift! - 9-11-09
20 - What Will Work to Keep Costs Down? - 9-10-09
19 - Suppose, Just Suppose - A Medicare Quickie - 9-10-09
18 - What Should be the Role of Government? - 9-9-09
17 - What Do I Know bout Delivery of Services? - Nothing!- 9-8-09
16 - A Workable Plan for Health Care Reform - 9-4-09
15 - Is It a Trojan Horse or Skeletons in the Closet? - 9-2-09
14 - Be Careful What You Believe! - 8-27-09
13 - Insurance, Public Option, and Rationing - 8-25-09
12 - Does Anyone Want to Eliminate Private Insurance? - 8-20-09
11 - As American as Apple Pie - The Town Hall Process - 8-19-09
10 - No That's Not True ... or Is It? - 8-14-09
9 - Why Won't ObamaCare Save Money? - 8-11-09
8 - Some Perspectives on Costs - 8-7-09
 7 - U.S. Healthcare - What's Really the Problem? - 8-4-09
6 - We Must Recognize the Positives in Our System - 8-4-09
 5 - Seniors Should be Concerned about ObamaCare! - 7-31-09
4 - Medical Costs and Bankruptcy - Some Facts - 7-27-09
3 - What Can Be Agreed On Now? - 7-24-09
2 - Obama's Absurd Audacity or Audacious Absurdity - 7-19-09
1 - U.S. Health Care - Status and Reform - 4-09