88 - Federal income taxes: What's a "rich man's" fair share - 10-8-24
87 - Systemic inflation - America's biggest financial problem - 1-30-23
86 - Debt ceiling war: another solution - 5-10-23
85 - Billionaires and their fair share - 3-25-23
84 - "Cram-down" economic policy isn't the answer - 3-7-23
83 - Start worrying if Social Security is NOT...uh...(you know the thing) - 2-14-23
82 - The budget, the deficit, and debt ceiling: joined at the hip - 1-17-23
81 - Common sense conservatives: Milton Friedman and friends - 7-19- 2022
80 - Biden's bad dream budget, and more bad news - 4-12-22
79 - Millstones around our necks - 10-24-21
78 - Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut , Jr. - 5-27-20
77 - COVID-19 financial relief: Where's the money coming from? - 5-11-20
76 - National Debt: A Small Part of the Total Problem - 9-22-19
75 - $15 Minimum Wage: Good Politics, but Is It Good Policy? - 8-22-19
74 - What......Me Worry? I've Got Guaranteed Cash - 6-18-19
73 - Green New Deal: What's That? A New Economic Theory - 2-26-19
72 - Tax Reform: Look at It Piece by Painful Piece! - 11-22-17
71 - Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - Equality at Last! - reprinted - 9-28-17
69 - Bemoaning the $19 Trillion+ National Debt? You Don't Know the Half of It! - 8-7-16
68 - Foreign Earnings: Let's Get the Idle Cash Home! - 7-17-16
67 - The European Union: Does It Really Make Sense? - 6-25-16
66 - Social Security: Kicking the Can Down the Road! ...... One More Time! - 6-10-16
65 - Milton Friedman: Who Was He? How Did He Think? What Would He Say?
64 - Dow Reaches 18,000! Proof of O's Success? No! All Things Must Be Considered! - 1-1-15
63 - Minimum Wage Debate: Fact and Fiction! and There's Some New Information! - 3-10-14
62 - Obama & Democrats: Declare O'Care Provides Freedom from Work! They's Makin' Me CRAZY! - Part Two - 2-28-14
61 - Obama & Democrats: Declare O'Care Provides Freedom from Work! They's Makin' Me CRAZY! - Part One - 2-23-14
60 - Poverty & Inequality: Clear Causes of a Complex Problem - Solutions are Really Tough and Elusive! - Part 2 - 2-15-14
59 - Poverty & Inequality: Clear Causes of a Complex Problem - Solutions are Really Tough and Elusive! - Part 1 - 2-10-14
58 - Envy vs. Inequality! And the Real Problem Is? It's Stephens vs. Krugman - 1-12-14
57 - Dear U.S. Treasury - My dog ate my money! Please print some more and send! I need it ASAP! - 1-6-14
56 - A Peek at Poverty in the United States: First understand - then fix it. - 6-23-13
55 - QE 1,2,3,4...and Counting! A fleet of luxury liners?No! It's the Feds printing money to encourage inflation and...!- 4-12-13
54 - Sequestration is Here! Obama is Under Siege by Reality!! - 4-6-13
53 - Baseline Budgeting - What's up is down! What's down is up! - What's so hard to understand? - 3-12-13
52 - Minimum Wage Laws - Do They Help? Or Are They a Bundle of Unintended Consequences? - 3-8-13
51 - The 14th Amendment, Section 4 - the Debt Ceiling vs. the Budget - 1-22-13
50 - Social Security Lie-I ruffled some feathers! Which Part of the truth don't you understand-(or don't want to hear)-12-31-12
49 - The Social Security Lie - 12-25-12
48 - Liberal Say:Individuals Gaining, but Economic Classes Stagnant and That's Bad! Ever Hear of Class Mobility? - 12-16-12
47 - There's a Way to "Approach" the Fiscal Cliff - and WIN! - 12-6-12
46 - Fiscal Cliff! Tax the Rich! And Now, No Spending Cuts Proposed! (How Does Obama Get Away with It?) 12-3-12
45 - Understanding the Jobs Report - Part Three - UNemployment Trends Down; NON-Employmnet Trends Up - 10-28-12
44 - Chicago Teachers Go on Strike! Is it Madison Revisited? - 9-12-12
43 - The Gold Standard - Think of it Like "Planting a Pivot Foot" - 6-21-12
42 - Understanding the Jobs Reports-Part Two - Disability - What Does That Have to Do With It-6-10-12.pdf
41 - Obama, an Austerity President? The Lies! The Truth! Good Grief! - 6-3-12
40 - The Audacity of Obama's New Girlfriend - Julia - 5-9-12
39 - The Ten "Golden Rules" of Taxation - 4-26-12
38 - Obama's Buffett Rule - It's Not Going Anywhere in Congress! At Least for Now - So Pay Attention! - 4-17-12
37 - Understanding the Jobs Reports - It Ain't Easy! - Part One - 4-12-12
36 - The Ryan Budget - Why Not Run on it, GOP? - 3-26-12
35 - Tax Rate Warfare and Double Taxation - Let Me Say This about That! - 2-2-12
34 - That's All I Can Stands - I Can't Stands No Mo'! - An Incredible Example of a Poor "Expert Analysis" - 1-15-12
33 - Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1961 - on Equality) - 1-8-12
32 - Securitizing Home Mortgages? Be Careful! - 12-29-11
31 - You Say It's the Size of the Pie that Counts? - Not the Relative Size of the Slice? - 12-23-11
30 - Obama Preaches About the "Stranded Middle Class" - or Does Class Mobility Actually Exist? - 12-12-11
29 - Mortgage Meltdown and the European Economic Crisis: Kinda' Similar ...... Right? - 12-11-11
28 - Jobs - Part VII: Don'ts and Dos - 12-1-11
27 - Warfare - Part II: And Lo, Obama Created Class Warfare - 11-21-11
26 - Warfare - Part I - Who Declared This a War? - 11-12-11
25 - Jobs - Part VI: Solyndra - Is It a Canary in a Coal Mine? - 10-20-11
24 - Jobs - Part V: Unemployment Benefits, Payroll Taxes, Tax Credits - Just for "Show"? or Can They Help? - 10-3-11
23 - Jobs - Part IV: The Problem With Infrastructure "Style" Spending - and Other Bad Ideas - 9-29-11
22 - Jobs - Part III - Green Jobs Program - Jobs? Energy? or Environmental Program? - Which Is It? - 9-27-11
21 - Jobs - Part II - Obama Doesn't Want His Jobs Bill To Pass - 9-17-11
20 - Jobs - Part I: A Supply Side Solution or Demand Side Foolishness - 9-11-11
19 - The Millstones Around Our Neck - 8-26-11
18 - Tax, Tax, the Musical Fruit - the More Ya' Eat, the More Ya' ...... - 8-19-11
17 - Comments on David Brooks' Article re: Republican Fanatics - 7-10-11
16 - The Blame Game isn't a Game - The Housing and Mortgage Crisis Revisited - 6-27-11
15 - The National Debt? - Just Guess What It Really Is! - 6-14-11
14 - The Auto Industry Recovery - Just Like a "Magic Carpet Ride" - They Make It Up As They Go Along - 6-10-11
13 - Take My Tax System ...... Please! - Winners and Losers No More - 5-5-11
12 - Reality Trumps Fantasy - The Answer Isn't Just "Tax the Rich" - 4-15-11
11 - Rich, Poor, and More ... and More - Point/Counterpoint PART II - and My Opinion - 9-08 & 4-11
10 - Rich, Poor, and More ... and More - Point/Counterpoint PART I - 9-08 & 4-11
9 - Rich, Poor, and More ... and More - Background and Sources of Information - 9-08 & 4-11
8 - More to Consider! re: Public Employees and Collective Bargaining - 3-14-11
7 - Budget Solutions - Limited Alternatives! Uninformed Citizens! - 3-10-11
6 - Public Employees and Collective Bargaining - Consider This! - 3-3-11
5 - "Cipherin'" Obama's 2012 Budget Proposal - An Early Look - 2-25-11
4 - Class Warfare Can Get "Taxing" - 12-12-10
3 - Obama and O'Bankruptcy - 5-09
2 - The Housing Crisis - The Mortgage Crisis - 10-08
1 - Rich, Poor, and More - 9-08
Economics - the art of providing incoherent explanations to complex and impossible issues. My most recent comments appear first on the list.
Federal Reserve Building
Economic Issues
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